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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Aug 9, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Unpublished, this source code not released to any enterprise or company

It is my own pure original CS final-year project, costing 6 months to create the perfect version without any bugs and defects.  

Recreating a new and distinctive version of bomberman game written in java with more innovative gameplay by using the cross-platform game development framework libGDX. This game not only included many game props but also provided multiple optional difficulties and modes for players. In offline mode, players are allowed to experience different difficulties and they need to play against AI enemies alone. The intelligence of the AI largely determines the fun of the game, so I make AI will become more intelligent with increasing difficulties, they could place bombs strategically near by the obstacles in order to pass through, they are allowed to pick up power-ups to strengthen themselves and use weapons to attack players. In online mode, two players need to kill each other to win, the adding function of chatting room for two players allows one of players plays one-on-one with another by creating or joining the room to establish connection in a local network area, players can send messages to each other during the game, which increased the interactivity and competition between players.



For game rules, players need to kill all enemies to win by placing bombs strategically or using weapons, the game failed if players did not kill all the enemies within the time limit or are killed by them. The bomb will explode and spread in four directions in the shape of a crossafter it was placed, any obstacles or characters within the blast radius of planted bombs will be destroyed except for the indestructible obstacles. In the game scene, all of pathways on the map are blocked by many different types of obstacles to form a huge maze and some types of obstacles can be destroyed by planting bombs nearby them so that players can pass through.  



【multifunctional game panel】

1. The health points of AI and players can be recorded in real time during game.

2. What game items have been picked up by the players and AI, how many game items are left can be recorded in real time

3. The remaining countdown of the game can be recorded

4. Players can view the game help, pause/continue the game, and exit the game during playing game at any time

5. In online mode, players can send messages to each other/view the message panel and chat with each other



gorgeous and intuitive user interfaces】

Game main interface + help interface + game rules introduction interface + Difficulty selection interface + sound and music management interface + Game props introduction interface + two-players connection interface + single game interface

【Game sound management system】

1. Players can freely adjust the volume of game BGM and  sound effects in game.

2. Players are allowed to switch on or switch off the game BGM and the sound effects in game


The first feature of the game is the improvement of gameplay and rules, it introduced new destructible obstacles “treasure chests” and more game props with novelty while keeping the basic bomberman precept unchanged, including powerful weapons and general power-ups that enhance characters’ attributes. Each game prop can only be obtained by blowing up “treasure chests” with equal probability. There are 9 game props in total:
1. Medical kits: Restores 1 health point.
2. Running Shoes: Increase movement speed, which can be accumulated.
3. Nitroglycerine solution: Increase the explosion ranges of bombs placed, which can be accumulated.
4. Landmines: Placing a landmine which is invisible to all characters.
5. Bazooka: Getting a bazooka allows to launch two rockets.
6. Hand grenades: Throwing a hand grenade behind an obstacle.
7. Bomb package: Place more than one single bomb, the number of placed bombs can be accumulated.
8. Riot shield: Withstand explosive damages from bombs, landmines, bazooka, hand grenades at once.
9. Gloves: Push bombs out before 3 seconds of explosion.

The second feature is providing multiple optional difficulties for single-player mode so that players are allowed to choose any level with different difficulties. AI will become more intelligent and could use game props in a rational way with increasing the difficulties, they will constantly look for “treasure chests” and place bombs to destroy them in order to collect more game props, they will also use weapons to attack players, which makes AI harder to be kill for players. There are 3 optional difficulties in total:
1.Easy level: AI can not pick up and use any of dropped props.
2.Medium level: AI can only use non-weapon props that can enhance their attributes (including medical kits, running shoes, Nitroglycerine solution).
3.Nightmare level: AI can use any of dropped props to enhance their attributes and use weapons to attack players.

File Tree

  • 📁 BombermanRevelry

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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